My Tribute to American Veterans

By J. Michael

To the men and women who fought for my freedom, thank you.
To the men and women who continue to defend my freedom, thank you.
To those who sacrificed their lives for my freedom, thank you.
To those who sacrificed a loved one for my freedom, thank you.
To you I say, God bless you...and God bless America.

To the men and women who disrespect our vets, you also disrespect yourself.
To the men and women who show no honor or regard for our country, you also show no honor or regard for yourself.
To those who insist on taking away our freedom, you also take away the dignity and intentions of our founding fathers.
To those who twist our laws, abuse our system, corrupt our young people and blaspheme our God, for you I weep.
To you I say, may God have mercy, that you may turn to Him.

It is declared, that we are "one nation, under God", and it is in Him, that "we trust".
It grieves me that a new generation is growing up to believe that we are a "divided nation, under government", and it is in ourselves that "we trust".

May we remain a blessed and united nation, the United States of America.
For Your blessings God, I say thank you!

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